A student may be referred for an evaluation by a parent or any person in a care giving or professional position concerned with the student’s development. When a student is referred for an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education, the Special Education Director will send written notice to the student’s parents/guardians within five school days of receipt of the referral. The notice shall seek the consent of the parent/guardian for the evaluation to occur, and
provide them with the opportunity to express any concerns or provide information on the student’s skills or abilities.

Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to consult with the Special Education Director or her designee to discuss the reasons for the referral, the content of the proposed evaluation, and the evaluators. Upon consent of the parent/guardian, the District shall provide an evaluation of the student within 30 school days. We will ensure that evaluators are appropriately credentialed and trained to administer all assessments. Each person conducting an assessment shall summarize in writing the procedures employed, the results, and shall define the student’s needs and recommendations for meeting those needs. A Team meeting will be held within 45 school days of receipt of consent for evaluation to determine eligibility for special education. The special education Team shall consist of all evaluators, the student’s regular education teacher, a special education teacher, an administrator, the parent/guardian and anyone else relevant to the process. If you have questions or would like more information, please call Tom Simon, Special Education Director, at 298-4017 ext. 14.